Goals of the Kangaroo Group



Decided at the enlarged board meeting 4.12.2013


A strong Europe: competitive, innovative, secure

The main goals of the Kangaroo Group are the further development of the Single Market, the stability of the European and international financial system and the further development of the Common Security and Defence Policy.

In pursuit of these goals it applies the principles of subsidiarity and sustainability. It fosters a highly competitive Social Market Economy.

The motto of the Kangaroo Group is Free Movement and Security.



The Internal Market

The goal of the Kangaroo Group is to create a European Home Market for our citizens and the European enterprises. We will concentrate on the leftovers of the internal market program, mainly in the field of energy and environment, health products, security and defence.

The Kangaroo Group considers the protection of intellectual property as a necessary European Structure and an important instrument to foster innovation. The new European Patent is a major step forward on this way. The next step will be legislation for better protection of trade secrets.

The Kangaroo Group considers common technical standards and common certifications of products as powerful instruments for abolishing barriers to trade and will follow the work of the European Standards Institutes and common bodies of Certification. It also fosters the project of the European Single Sky and the negotiation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

In the framework of its Working Group on Consumer Goods, the Kangaroo Group strives to achieve a truly borderless single market that is win-win for business and consumers. It is particularly important to lift barriers to free movement and establishment, remove discriminatory practices, facilitate equal access for SMEs, promote e-commerce, as well as urge stakeholders to take their shared responsibility for sustainability and for a better functioning supply chain, enhancing consumer choice and providing value for money.

Financial Services

We think it is necessary to strengthen the European financial system. The financial crisis has revealed gaps in the financial sector regulations which this Parliament has timely addressed and are being corrected.

We want to strengthen the resilience and stability of the financial sector and ensure consistency of regulatory measures at international level. We seek to strengthen the system, whilst at the same time, avoiding unnecessary red tape.

The key debates over the next year will focus on the implementation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, the Resolution and Recovery Mechanism of banks and the transparency of Central Banks, as well as finalizing Mifid II, Omnibus II, IMD II, and the governance and transparency of occupational pension funds. Progress of the banking Union must be the priority for the immediate future.

Security and Defence

Our working group on Security and Defence will follow the implementation of the results of the Defence Summit. This should lead to a public debate about the European interests and values we should promote and protect, and the capabilities we need to face evolving threats. This public debate may lead to a European White Paper on Security and Defence or a Strategic Concept of the European Union.

We will assess the planning and deployment of new and ongoing CSDP missions and operations, early warning and information sharing with other institutions and protected telecommunications.

Capabilities will be discussed with a special focus on certification for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems and their admission to the European Airspace, intelligence, space situational awareness, the security of space based assets, and the next generation of satellite communications.

We aim at developing common standards for the living and working conditions of Soldiers serving in missions of the European Union. This implies common training, adequate equipment, social protection, as well as access to medical facilities.

Open Borders between the Member States will only be maintained if the external borders of the Union are adequately protected. We will therefore examine the future of Frontex, Eurosur and the humanitarian and security aspects of the protection of our external borders.


Backflasch 2024

Kangaroo Group Pregramme 2024
Kangaroo Group Programme_2024.pdf
PDF-Dokument [133.7 KB]

The Kangaroo Group aisbl
Rue Wiertz 11

tel: 0032 2 280 60 95

fax: 0032 2 280 07 84

email: office@kangaroogroup.eu

internet: www.kangaroogroup.eu 

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