Virtual Debates 2022
Virtual Debate
Wednesday, 29 June 2022 at 12.30 to 13.30 hrs
“Corporate Responsibility and Environment: How new Due Dilligence Rules will impact Business”
The EU is proposing Due Diligence rules via Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence and EU Deforestation proposals to ensure that both the private and public sectors, acts on protecting the environment. The aim is to ensure that only deforestation-free products are allowed in the EU market and that companies contribute to protecting biodiversity and climate change mitigation rules while fostering sustainable development, as well as international trade rules.
Welcome and Chair:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Lara WOLTERS MEP, S&D/Germany, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Lucrezia BUSA, Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Reynders
Moritz BERNHOERSTER, Senior Director, Sustainability Global Strategic Sourcing, Herbalife Nutrition
(other Speakers to be confirmed)
This debate will be conducted via Zoom and hosted by the Kangaroo Group Kangaroo Group FREE MOVEMENT AND SECURITY
Wednesday, 15 June 2022 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
“Progress on the bank prudential regime – a view from the EU Institutions”
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Jonás FERNÁNDEZ MEP, S&D/Spain, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Almoro RUBIN DE CERVIN, Head, Unit Banking Regulation and Supervision Unit, DG Fisma
Etienne BAREL, Deputy-CEO, French Banking Federation (FBF)
Jared CHEBIB, Associate Partner, EY UK Financial Services Practice, London
More Speakers to be confirmed
This debate will be conducted via Teams and hosted by the Kangaroo Group Kangaroo Group FREE MOVEMENT AND SECURITY
Please click here to register.
Wednesday, 11 May 2022 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
"Supporting an EU Competitive Clearing Mandate – the eco-system implications"
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group, Secretary, Financial Services working party
Danuta Maria HÜBNER MEP, EPP/Poland, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary
Fiona VAN ECHELPOEL, Director General, DG Market Infrastructure and Payments, European Central Bank (ECB)
Jennifer ROBERSTON, Head, Financial Markets Infrastructure Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission
Rafael PLATA, Secretary-General, European Association of CCP Clearing Houses
Emma KALLIOMAKI, Managing Director, Derivatives Service Bureau (DSB)
Christophe HEMON, Chief Executive Officer, LCH SA
Benjamin QUATRE, Director in charge of European and International Public Affairs and Export Finance, French Banking Federation (FBF)
This debate will be conducted via Zoom and hosted by the Kangaroo Group Kangaroo Group FREE MOVEMENT AND SECURITY
Wednesday, 20 April 2022 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
Overseeing Investment Firms, Foreign Banks, CCPs - a view from
the ECB
Michael GAHLER MEP, President, The Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Secretary/WG on Financial Services, The Kangaroo Group
Deirdre CLUNE MEP, EPP/Ireland, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and
Consumer Protection
Othmar KARAS MEP, EPP/Austria, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Member of
the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (by Video)
Edouard FERNANDO-BOLLO, Member of the Supervisory Board, European Central Bank
(ECB), Frankfurt
Almoro RUBIN DE CERVIN, Head, Unit Banking Regulation and Supervision Unit, DG FISMA,
European Commission
This debate will be conducted via Zoom and hosted by the Kangaroo Group
Tuesday, 15 March 2022 at 12:30 to 14:00 hrs
“Preventing the next pandemic: What Europe can do to fight
against Antimicrobial Resistance”
As opposed to the COVID-19 pandemic, an Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) induced crisis will not be a surprise. 25 000 patients die annually in the EU alone as a result of infections caused by
resistant bacteria. 10 million deaths per year are anticipated if the antimicrobial pipeline is not revitalized. Without effective
antimicrobials, medical procedures such as surgery, organ transplantation, and cancer chemotherapy will be severely impacted. In the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe, the European Commission
acknowledged that “new business approaches are required” and it announced its intention to explore new types of incentives to develop innovative antimicrobials in 2022. The meeting will seek to
discuss how Europe can drive investment in antimicrobial R&D and create the right conditions for a sustainable pipeline that will protect society and patients against the threat of
Chair and Welcome:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Cristian-Silviu BUSOI MEP, EPP/Romania, Chair of the Committee on Industry,
Research and Energy
Marc GITZINGER, Vice-President of the BEAM Alliance
Dr Henry SKINNER, CEO, AMR Action Fund, tbc (by Video)
Sophie NOYA, Director Public Policy Europe, MSD
Due to the Ukraine crisis this event is cancelled. We keep you informed as soon as we can present this event to you.
Tuesday, 1 March 2022 at 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
The European Health Emergency Preparedness and
Response Authority (HERA) – addressing the threats and
maximising the opportunities
As the EU gradually emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the main considerations for Europeans is how to be much better prepared for
future health crises. The EU’s response has been to build a European Health Union, by
reinforcing the mandates of the European Medicines Agency and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, adopting a revamped regulation on serious cross-border threats to health,
and setting up a European Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) which began operations in early October 2021.
As the lessons are drawn from the past two years, one element stands out: the critical importance of rapidly rolling out medical countermeasures, as was the case with the COVID-19 vaccines. HERA’s
role will be central: anticipate
threats and potential health crises, build the necessary response capacities including the procurement, development, production and distribution of medicines, vaccines, and other medical
countermeasures. This Kangaroo Group event will take stock of the progress in setting up HERA and facilitate a conversation around its activities and priorities, including institutional, academic and
industry perspectives.
Chair and Welcome:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Pernille WEISS MEP, EPP/Denmark, Member of the Committee on the Environment,
Public Health and Food Safety
Pierre DELSAUX, Director-General, DG HERA
Chris FRECH, Senior Vice-President of Global Government Affairs, Emergent
BioSolutions Inc.
Dr. Steven CHATFIELD, Infectious Disease Expert and Former Adviser to the UK
Vaccine Task Force
Other speakers to be confirmed
Wednesday, 16 February 2022 at 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
“Preventing the next pandemic: What Europe can do to fight
against Antimicrobial Resistance”
As opposed to the COVID-19 pandemic, an Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) induced crisis will not be a surprise. 25 000 patients die annually in the EU
alone as a result of infections caused by resistant bacteria.
10 million deaths per year are anticipated if the antimicrobial pipeline is not revitalized. Without effective antimicrobials, medical procedures such as surgery, organ transplantation, and cancer
chemotherapy will be severely impacted. In the Pharmaceutical Strategy for Europe, the European Commission acknowledged that “new business approaches are required” and it announced its intention to
explore new types of incentives to develop innovative antimicrobials in 2022. The meeting will seek to discuss how Europe can drive investment in antimicrobial R&D and create the right conditions
for a sustainable pipeline that will protect society and patients against the threat of AMR.
Chair and Welcome:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Cristian-Silviu BUSOI MEP, EPP/Romania, Chair of the Committee on Industry,
Research and Energy
Marc GITZINGER, Vice-President of the BEAM Alliance
Dr Henry SKINNER, CEO, AMR Action Fund, (by Video)
Sophie NOYA, Director Public Policy Europe, MSD
Tuesday, 1 February 2022 at 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
“Accelerating Patient Journey with AI and Digital”
Welcome and Introduction:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Digital technologies have the ability to fundamentally transform healthcare, and address
challenges patients face on regular basis. While new technologies such as AI and digital tools
are able to generate great opportunities for the society, interoperability of data and society’s
concern about data privacy are some of the challenges that need to be discussed further. While
European Health Data Space (EHDS) & the AI Act are currently under discussion at the
European Union, in this lunch debate we would like to take the opportunity to further address
potential solutions and discuss how beneficial both the EHDS and the AI Act could be for
Sergey LAGODINSKY MEP, Group of the Greens-European Free Alliance/Germany,
Substitute Member of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence in a Digital Age
Hugo VAN HAASTERT, Policy Officer, Unit B.3, European Reference Networks and
Digital Health, DG Santé
Jonathan MUCK, Senior Communications and Public Affairs Manager, ADA
Elke GROOTEN, Head EU Relations, Novartis Group
PDF-Dokument [1.5 MB]
Tuesday, 8 February 2022 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
The AI Act: creating a trustworthy AI framework
suitable for financial services
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Markus FERBER MEP, Chair of the WG on Financial Services of the
Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Axel VOSS MEP, EPP/Germany, Member of the Committee on Legal Affairs
Brando BENIFEI MEP, S&D/Italy, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and
Consumer Protection
Deirdre CLUNE MEP, EPP/Ireland, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and
Consumer Protection
Kilian GROSS, Head of Unit, Artificial Intelligence Policy Development and Coordination, DG
CONNECT, European Commission
Jermy PRENIO, Expert on AI, Bank of International Settlements (BIS),
Wolfgang HAUNER, Global Head of AI and Data Analytics at Allianz SE
This debate will be conducted via Zoom and hosted by the Kangaroo Group
Tuesday, 25 January 2022 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs
European “Fitfor55” Ambition: Which industrial policy to support innovation and competitiveness, while reinforcing EU resilience and autonomy?
Welcome and Introduction:
Michael Gahler MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Christian EHLER MEP, EPP/Germany, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Maria da Graca CARVALHO MEP, EPP/Portugal, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Francois ARBAULT, Director, Dir A – Defence Industry, DG DEFIS
Jean-Michel HILLION, SVP Safran Group Strategy
This debate will be conducted via Webex and hosted by the Kangaroo Group
Virtual Debates 2021
Monday, 6 December 2021 from 14:00 to 15:30 hrs
“Review of the consumer credits directive (CCD): finding the right balance”
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Stéphanie YON-COURTIN MEP, Renew Group/France, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Katarina KONECNA MEP, GUE/Czechia, Member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Daniela BANKIER, Head of Unit, DG JUST, European Commission
Monique GOYENS, Managing Director, BEUC
Solenne LEPAGE, Deputy CEO French Banking Federation
Georg HUBER, Head of the Representation to the EU, Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband (DSGV)
Tuesday, 30 November 2021 at 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
"Can Transparency on prices deliver more affordable medicines?"
Affordability are one of the key deliverables for the pharmaceutical strategy. This event aims to discuss the extent to which transparency on medicines prices are a necessity to foster more competition in the Internal Market, and to empower payers to get better deals.”
Chair and Welcome:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Cyrus ENGERER MEP, S&D/Malta, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Sylvain GIRAUD, DG Santé
Yannis NATSIS, European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)
Virtual Debate
Wednesday, 20 October 2021 at 13.00 hrs
“Consumer acceptance of novel technologies in Agriculture”
How to uphold Animal Health & Welfare in the new EU’s Agricultural Policy?
Welcome and Chair:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Christine SCHNEIDER MEP, EPP/Germany, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Andrea GAVINELLI, Head of Unit, Animal Welfare, Antimicrobial Resistance, DG Santé
Adam DROSIO, Vicechair of the Working Party on Animal Health and Welfare, Copa-Cogeca
Thomas DUFFY, Member of the Board, European Young Farmers’ Organisation (CEJA)
Herbert DORFMANN MEP, EPP/Italy, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Member of the Committee of Inquiry on the Protection of Animals during Transport
Monday, 27 September 2021 at 12:30 to 14:00 hrs
“Materials emissions: The next frontier of climate mitigation in Europe”
Chair and Welcome:
Cristian-Silviu BUSOI MEP, EPP/Romania, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Maria da Graca CARVALHO MEP, EPP/Portugal, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Mike PARKINGTON, Executive Vice President R&D Home Care, Unilever
Janez POTOCNIK, Vice-Chair, United Nations International Resource Panel
Marco MENSINK, Director-General, CEFIC
Link with the article in euractiv of Ms Carvalho. This was the base of her speech.
VD_20210927_Making climate neutral Chemi[...]
PDF-Dokument [206.5 KB]
Wednesday, 8 September 2021 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
"Finalization of the Basel III Framework – a view from the BCBS"
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Keynote Speaker:
Carolyn ROGERS, Secretary-General, Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
Othmar KARAS MEP, EPP/Austria, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (by Video)
Jonas FERNANDEZ ALVAREZ MEP, S&D/Spain, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Sven GIEGOLD MEP, Greens/Germany, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, tbc
Almoro RUBIN DE CERVIN, Head, Unit Banking Regulation and Supervision Unit, DG FISMA, European Commission
Elizabeth McCAUL, Supervisory Board Member, European Central Bank, Frankfurt
Volker HEEGEMANN, Head of Brussels Office, Bundesverband der Deutschen
Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken (BVR)
Etienne BAREL, Deputy CEO, French Banking Federation (FBF)
This debate will be conducted via Zoom and hosted by the Kangaroo Group
Please reply to the Kangaroo Group’s Brussels office, whether you will attend or not by e-mail:
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Tuesday, 31 August 2021 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
"Strengthening the EU AML framework for financial services"
Welcome and Introduction:
Frances FITZGERALD MEP, Vice-Chair of the EPP Group, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Member of the Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Eero HEINÄLUOMA MEP, S&D/Finland, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Sven GIEGOLD MEP, Greens/Germany, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Raluca PRUNA, Head of Unit, Financial Crime, DG Fisma
Che SIDANIUS, Global Head of Financial Crime & Industry Affairs, LSEG
Debbie WARD, EMEIA Head of Financial Crime, EY, London
This debate will be conducted via Zoom and hosted by the Kangaroo Group
Please reply to the Kangaroo Group’s Brussels office, whether you will attend or not by e-mail:
Wednesday, 2 June 2021 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
"Cooperative, connected and automated mobility: What’s at stake for the EU citizen, the automotive industry and beyond?"
A deep dive into the topic of access to data and data sharing
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Eric-Mark HUITEMA, Director General, ACEA
Mark HARVEY, Director, Enterprise Connectivity, Ford of Europe
Video: “Connected Vehicle Data Collaboration Benefits Drivers”
Henna VIRKKUNEN MEP, EPP/Finland, Member of the Committee on the Industry, Research and Energy
Kerstin JORNA, Director General, DG Grow
Paulo VARIZ, Attaché Transports, Permanent Representation of Portugal to the EU
Wednesday, 26 May 2021 from 13:00 to 14:30
How can we ensure that the Insurance Sector in Europe can continue to meet all of its current obligations to all of its stakeholders while transitioning to accommodate the stark challenges posed by climate change and a broad based sustainability agenda?
"Sustaining a sustainable insurance sector in Europe"
Chair and Introduction:
Markus FERBER MEP, Chair of the WG on Financial Services of the Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Keynote Speech:
Stephanie YON-COURTIN MEP, Renew/France, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Alfred SANT MEP, S&D/Malta, Member of the Committee Economic and Monetary Affairs
Didier MILLEROT, DG Fisma
Justin WRAY, Head of Policy Department, European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
Fabio MARCHETTI, Group Head of International Affairs, Generali
Tobias BUECHELER, Head of Regulatory, Allianz SE
James MAHER, Partner, Head of both Insurance and Actuarial Services, Financial Services, Ernst&Young, Ireland
Tuesday, 11 May 2021 at 13.00 hrs
“Smart digital farming the benefits of healthy animals to a More sustainable agriculture”
This Lunch Debate is focussed on this topic as the European Commission has published the “Farm to Fork” Strategy which is currently under review by the European Parliament and Council.
Welcome and Chair:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Stakeholder Voices:
Daniel AZEVEDO, Director International Trade, Commodities and Technology, COPA-COGECA
Roxane FELLER, Secretary General of AnimalhealthEurope
Latest Views from the European Parliament:
Herbert DORFMANN MEP, EPP/Italy, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Paolo DE CASTRO MEP, S&D/Italy, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Asger CHRISTENSEN MEP, Renew Europe/Denmark, Member of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Wednesday, 21 April 2021 a Debate from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
“The role of the Pharmaceutical Strategy in boosting patient access to new medicines”
The Pharmaceutical Strategy calls for equal access to safe, innovative and affordable therapies across the EU, but patients within and between EU member states currently face vastly different times to access new medicines. The wait can be as high as 1657 days in Estonia and as low as 127 days in Germany, after the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) approval. Poor access can have several root-causes, from the varying nature of national and regional health technology assessments (HTA) through to national pricing and reimbursement processes and limited national health budgets. The approval of a COVID-19 vaccine post EMA approval in just 24 hours instead of the allotted 67 days shows that faster access is possible. Join us on April 21st to discuss the role of the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy in driving faster and more equitable access for patients across the EU.
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Pierre DELSAUX, Deputy Director-General, DG Santé, European Commission
Nabil DAOUD, President of Lilly Spain, Portugal and Greece, Eli Lilly & Company
Tomislav SOKOL MEP, EPP/Croatia, Member in the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection and Co-Chair of Interest Group on Equitable Access to Healthcare
Slide authorized by S.A. Eli Lilly Benelux N.V., 2021
Tuesday, 23 March 2021 from 15:00 to 16:30 hrs
“The Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act legislative package – Implication for Financial Services”
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Keynote Speech:
Olivier GUERSENT, Director-General, DG COMPETITION, European Commission
Stefan BERGER MEP, EPP/Germany, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Ondřej KOVAŘÍK MEP, Renew Europe Group/Czechia, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Tuesday, 16 March 2021 from 13:30 to 15:00 hrs
«Ensuring a robust and secure supply chain of pharmaceuticals in Europe»
Welcome and Chair:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Jan HUITEMA MEP, Renew Europe Group/Netherlands, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Sylvain GIRAUD, Head of Unit, Unit B4-Medical Products, DG Santé, tbc
John DRUMMOND, Head of Division, Trade in Services, Directorate for Trade and Agriculture, OECD
Elke GROOTEN, Head EU Relations, Novartis Group
Elke GROOTEN, Head EU Relations, Novartis Group:
- “During the first wave of Covid, we have seen that the coordination with EU institutions has been key to tackle imminent issues, such as export bans and border closures. We need to continue with this structured dialogue and make sure to work together in finding the right solutions for patients. ”
- “For the robustness of supply chains, we as Novartis are reliant on a global network, which also includes a strong European footprint. With this approach, we aim at reducing dependency on a specific geography and to ultimately ensure the security of supply.”
- “At Novartis, we rely on business continuity plans, constant monitoring (through digital and artificial intelligence) and dual sourcing measures. We believe that localization measures will not lead to a reduction of shortages.”
Wednesday, 3 March 2021 a Debate from 13:30 to 14:30 hrs
“Can lifestyle changes deliver a silver bullet to cancer?”
Welcome and Chair:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Deirdre CLUNE MEP, EPP/Ireland, Member of the Committee on the
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Tomislav SOKOL MEP, EPP/Croatia, Member of the Committee on the
Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Despina SPANOU, Head of Cabinet, VP Margaritis Schinas, European
Dr Nuno SOUSA, Deputy Director for the National Programme on
Oncological Diseases, Directorate-General for Health, Portugal
Thomas HARTUNG, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of
Public Health
Event Summary
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan is the European Commission’s top health priority and one of the flagships with the potential to change our lives. It centres on several different sectors, including tobacco, alcohol, environmental pollution, chemicals, health literacy and vaccinations.
The Kangaroo Group hosted high level speakers from three EU institutions and academics to discuss the measures included in the Cancer Plan’s prevention pillar in order to identify and aim to address any potential gaps. The panelists included:
Irish EPP MEP Deirdre Clune;
Head of Cabinet for Vice-President of the von der Leyen Commission Margaritis Schinas, Despina Spanou;
Deputy Director for the National Programme on Oncological Diseases, Directorate-General for Health from Portugal, Nuno Sousa;
Croation EPP MEP Tomislav Sokol;
Toxicologist Thomas Hartung.
The event was hosted by the President of the Kangaroo Group, German EPP MEP Michael Gahler. Opening the session he underlined that European governments will not be able to change peoples’ behaviours on their own. The public and private sectors need to take joint responsibility for the success of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan and provide viable solutions for Europeans. Citizens should be motivated to choose a healthier lifestyle and diet by promoting policies that encourage exercise and avoidance of substance abuse from alcohol, tobacco and drugs. As these product categories are the main reason for a number of preventable cancers, a positive change in consumer behaviour is more promising than, for example, outright bans or sin taxes.
... read more see download
PDF-Dokument [123.0 KB]
Wednesday, 24 February 2021 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
“The role of the Single Resolution Board in the face of Covid-19 crisis and consequences”
Markus FERBER MEP, Chair of the Kangaroo Group’s WG on Financial Services
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Keynote Speech:
Dr. Elke KÖNIG, Chair of the Single Resolution Board (SRB)
Marie DONNAY, Head of Unit, DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Market Union
Etienne BAREL, CEO of the French Banking Federation (FBF)
Tuesday, 23 February 2021 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs
“European industrial supply chain for the European Union strategic autonomy in defence and space ?”
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Dominique RIQUET MEP, Renew Europe Group/France, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism
Massimiliano SALINI MEP, EPP/Italy, Member of the Committee on International Trade and Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism
Marian-Jean MARINESCU MEP, EPP/Romania, Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism
François ARBAULT, Director, DG DEFIS
Christophe BRUNEAU, SVP, Head/GM of the Safran Military Engines Division
Wednesday, 3 February 2021 from 12:30 to 14:00 hrs
“Ensuring a robust and secure supply chain of pharmaceuticals in Europe ”
Welcome and Chair:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Jan HUITEMA MEP, Renew Europe Group/Netherlands, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
Sylvain GIRAUD, Head of Unit, Unit B4-Medical Products, DG Santé
John DRUMMOND, Head of Division, Trade in Services, Directorate for Trade and Agriculture, OECD
Elke GROOTEN, Head EU Relations, Novartis Group
Wednesday, 27 January 2021 a Debate from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
“The European Pharmaceutical Strategy – enabling patient access to gene therapy innovation’?”
Welcome and Chair:
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Claudia GAMON MEP, Renew Europe/Austria, Member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Adam HUTCHINGS, Managing Director, DOLON
Other Speakers to be confirmed
Wednesday, 20 January 2021 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs
"A briefing by ESMA – Trends, Vulnerabilities and Risks in the EU Capital Markets"
Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group
Markus FERBER MEP, Chair, Kangaroo Groups Financial Services WP Keynote
Steffen KERN, Chief Economist and Head of Risk Analysis, European Securities and Markets Authority, (ESAMA), Paris
David DOYLE, Member of the Board, Kangaroo Group
Jonas FERNÀNDEZ MEP, S&D/Spain, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Sven GIEGOLD MEP, Group of the Greens-European Free Alliance/Germany, Member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Chiara SANDON, Senior Regulatory Policy Advisor, EFAMA, Brussels
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tel: 0032 2 280 60 95
fax: 0032 2 280 07 84
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