Working Group on Health


Lunch Debate, Tuesday, 28 January 2025 from 13:00 until 14:30 hrs

European Parliament, Altiero-Spinelli-Building – Salon, Members Restaurant


Preventive Health as strategic investment for Europe”


A new economic governance framework was implemented on April 30, 2024, following a comprehensive reform of the EU's economic governance rules. The primary objective of this framework is to improve the sustainability of Member States' debt while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth across all Member States through strategic reforms and targeted investments. Priority public reforms and investments should align with the EU's common goals of advancing green and digital transitions, strengthening economic and social resilience, and enhancing energy security and defense capabilities. Member States that carry out these reforms and investments may benefit from an extended fiscal adjustment period of up to seven years. Investing in prevention, which offers a high return on investment, has the potential to be prioritized in EU Member States' national medium-term fiscal-structural plans as a priority investment aimed at achieving the common goal of enhancing economic and social resilience.


Welcome and Introduction:

Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group



Romana JERKOVIC MEP, S&D/Croatia, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Climate and Food Safety and Member of the Committee on Public Health

Vytenis Povilas ANDRIUKAITIS MEP, S&D/Lithuania, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety and the Subcommittee on Public Health

Santiago CALVO RAMOS, Policy Advisor, DG ECFIN

Simone BOSELLI, Policy Officer Health Reforms, DG REFORM

Elisa MILANI, Senior Consultant, Healthcare Practice, The European House – Ambrosetti (TEHA)

Dennis OSTWALD, CEO, WifOR Institute

Walter RICCIARDI, Professor of Hygiene and Director of the School of Hygiene and Public Health, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy), Chair of the Mission Board for Cancer and Chair of the Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe


PDF-Dokument [126.4 KB]

Lunch debate of the Working Group on Health


Working Group on Health taking place on Tuesday, 03 December 2024 at 13.00 hrs in the European Parliament Brussels, Salon Privé/Restaurant des Députés.


We will discuss: "Boosting EU Competitiveness: Empowering innovative small and mid-sized companies in the pharmaceutical sector"


The European Commission has included competitiveness as a key priority in its new mandate, including for the pharmaceutical sector, which is currently undergoing a significant overhaul with the revision of the General Pharmaceutical Legislation (GPL). To remain globally competitive, the EU pharmaceutical industry needs a robust and predictable incentives, regulatory and industrial ecosystem. This will help spur innovation, bring new therapies to patients and promote a sustainable healthcare ecosystem for the EU and its Member States. The event aims to discuss and identify actionable strategies to enhance competitiveness of the EU pharmaceutical sector, with a particular focus on small and mid-sized innovative companies.


Welcome and Introduction:

Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group



Kristian VIGENIN MEP, S&D/Bulgaria, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 

Alexander NATZ, Secretary General, EUCOPE

This event is a paying event, the  contribution is :
20€ for MEPs, EU-officials, Kangaroo Group Members and 90€ for Non-Members  –  to be paid in cash at the reception desk in front of the venue –


Working Group HEALTH

Wednesday, 29 January 2020 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs


“EU Industrial Policy: Challenges and Opportunities for the new mandate”



Cristian Silviu BUSOI MEP, EPP/Romania, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Industry

Timo PESONEN, Director General, DG GROW

Marc-Antoine LUCCHINI, Senior Vice-President, Head of Primary Care Europe and Coordinator, Sanofi Europe

Dr. Gerd KRAEH, Senior Director Government Affairs/ Lilly Deutschland GmbH and Committee Chair for International and European Affairs of the German Association for Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (vfa)


PDF-Dokument [62.8 KB]

Backflasch 2024

Kangaroo Group Pregramme 2024
Kangaroo Group Programme_2024.pdf
PDF-Dokument [133.7 KB]

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Rue Wiertz 11

tel: 0032 2 280 60 95

fax: 0032 2 280 07 84



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