Lunch debate of the Working Group on Health


Working Group on Health taking place on Tuesday, 03 December 2024 at 13.00 hrs in the European Parliament Brussels, Salon Privé/Restaurant des Députés.


We will discuss: "Boosting EU Competitiveness: Empowering innovative small and mid-sized companies in the pharmaceutical sector"


The European Commission has included competitiveness as a key priority in its new mandate, including for the pharmaceutical sector, which is currently undergoing a significant overhaul with the revision of the General Pharmaceutical Legislation (GPL). To remain globally competitive, the EU pharmaceutical industry needs a robust and predictable incentives, regulatory and industrial ecosystem. This will help spur innovation, bring new therapies to patients and promote a sustainable healthcare ecosystem for the EU and its Member States. The event aims to discuss and identify actionable strategies to enhance competitiveness of the EU pharmaceutical sector, with a particular focus on small and mid-sized innovative companies.


Welcome and Introduction:

Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group



Kristian VIGENIN MEP, S&D/Bulgaria, Member of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 

Alexander NATZ, Secretary General, EUCOPE

This event is a paying event, the  contribution is :
20€ for MEPs, EU-officials, Kangaroo Group Members and 90€ for Non-Members  –  to be paid in cash at the reception desk in front of the venue –


Click here to register



Working Group HEALTH

Wednesday, 29 January 2020 from 13:00 to 14:30 hrs


“EU Industrial Policy: Challenges and Opportunities for the new mandate”



Cristian Silviu BUSOI MEP, EPP/Romania, Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Industry

Timo PESONEN, Director General, DG GROW

Marc-Antoine LUCCHINI, Senior Vice-President, Head of Primary Care Europe and Coordinator, Sanofi Europe

Dr. Gerd KRAEH, Senior Director Government Affairs/ Lilly Deutschland GmbH and Committee Chair for International and European Affairs of the German Association for Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (vfa)


PDF-Dokument [62.8 KB]

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Rue Wiertz 11

tel: 0032 2 280 60 95

fax: 0032 2 280 07 84



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