Welcome to the Kangaroo Group
The Kangaroo Group is an association with the goal to enhance European Unity around the pursuit of concrete common projects. Its main goals are the full implementation of the Internal Market, the Stability of the Euro and a common Security and Defence Policy. The association started in 1979 as an informal gathering of Members of the European Institutions from different countries and political affiliations interested in breaking down the barriers between the Member States. The Kangaroo was chosen for the name of the group due to its ability to take big jumps over any boundaries although it only has a small pouch.
Today the Kangaroo Group is an association incorporated under Belgian law as a nonprofit organisation (aisbl). It has been entered into the Transparency Register of the European Union as a Think Tank. It is open to Representatives of the European Institutions, Academia, Media and the Business Community who are interested to foster these goals. It is not an Intergroup of the European Parliament. The motto of the Kangaroo Group is free movement and security. We choose our projects in consideration of the principle of subsidiarity.
Next Events
Wednesday, 18 September 2024 at 13:00 hrs
"Keeping the EU Fire Safe: The importance of Brominated Flame Retardants"
Eric GUILLAUME, Fire Lab - Efectis
Michael HACK, Secretary General, The International Bromine Council (BSEF)
Seán Kelly, Member of the European Parliament *
Krzysztof BISKUP, European Fire Safety Alliance (EuroFSA)
Joel Tenney, Director of Global Advocacy, ICL & Chairman of the board
*Further possible MEPs to be confirmed in the coming days
The meeting will be kindly welcomed and chaired by Michael GAHLER MEP, President of the Kangaroo Group.
We are looking forward to welcoming you at this debate.
The Kangaroo Group aisbl
Rue Wiertz 11
tel: 0032 2 280 60 95
fax: 0032 2 280 07 84
email: office@kangaroogroup.eu
internet: www.kangaroogroup.eu
We are transparent and registered:
Kangaroo Group EU Transparency Register Number: