Milestones of the Kangaroo Group

1984 - Dieter Rogalla, Horst Seefeld and Karl von Wogau sawing at a customs barriers on the bridge between Strasbourg and Kehl




1984 - Members of the Kangaroo Group discuss Britains participation in the European Internal Market with Margaret Thatcher when she visited the European Parliament in Strasbourg

(from left to right: Christiane Scrivener, Basil de Ferranti, Karl von Wogau, Elise Boot, Jeanette Oppenheim, Margaret Thatcher, George Benjamin Patterson, Dieter Rogalla, Thomas Raftery, Georgios Anastassopoulos, Fernand Herman



22 March 1984: Historic Lunch in Brussels - For the first time, a lunch is paid by Karl von Wogau with Kangaroo Members Fernand Herman and Axel Zages and Brussels journalists using the European Curreny (at that time it was the ECU).




Saturday, 2 May 1998 - Extraordenary Plenary Meeting of the the European Parliament. On this day the final decisions which countries participate in the Euro and who chairs the European Central Bank were taken.

(from left to right: Jacques Santer - President of the European Commission, Karl von Wogau - Rapporteur of the European Parliament, José María Gil-Robles y Gil-Delgado - President of the European Parliament, Gordon Brown - European Council)




2008 - Visit of Members of the Kangaroo Group to the European Union Border Assitance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine.


From left to right: Ioan Mircea Pasqu, Karl von Wogau, General Ferenc Banfi




2008 - Members of the Kangaroo Group visit the Nordic Battle Group in Sweden




2015 - Kangaroo Group meeting in Strasbourg. Dicussion about Brexit.

2019 - 40 Years Kangaroo Group

The Kangaroo Group aisbl
Rue Wiertz 11

tel: 0032 2 280 60 95

fax: 0032 2 280 07 84



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